Once completed you should make sure the surface has no lumps or bumps as these will be visible when direct sunlight hit the facade.

Once this is complete the complete surface needs to have a bonding coat using PERMA-ROCK BONDING and a mesh is applied into the coating and completely covered and once again fixing to the wall with plugs every 400mm.

The wall Plugs are made out of aluminium and are drilled directly into the original surface with at least 80mm clearance into the original building.

The plugs have a plastic spacing stopper known as a pin applied into the center and when hit through the plug it allows it to grip and make a firm contact with the original facade.

Once all the pins have been applied into the plugs there are covered up using the bonding agent.

Once all the facade has been covered the bonding needs to be coated with a primer the same colour as the K-REND that is going to be applied. In this instance grey and white where used.